Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Love You Very Much

How often do you say I love you? To some of us saying I love you is so easy but for some that I know its not. They have to take all the courage to utter those words to their loved ones. I used to be one of them but I was lucky enough to have met people who have taught me that these three words should not be kept inside but should be said out loud.

My first teacher was GMEP. I befriended her during my freshmen days in UP. She was my school mate in high school, we had common friends but we dont belong to the same circle of friends. She had her own circle of friends while I was with my kinder-elementary-highschool-to-forever friends (my all for one one for all friends). I didn’t expect that I would be spending my college life with her. My college life was a different experience and I owe it to her. She was not afraid to show her affection – my exact opposite. She exudes warmth and it is contagious. She was not afraid to say I love you – to a friend, to a family member even to the opposite sex (ahem, no squealing for GMEP!) And I sort of adapted from her the congeniality and learned from her that it wont hurt you if you say I love you.

Today, my teacher is my son. Last night I went home late because my gym hours got extended. So we didn’t have much playtime. He asked me to sit beside him. This was our conversation

LF: Mommy tabi (pointing to the spot beside him)

Me: Ok. What do you want?

LF: Sit. (still pointing to the spot beside him) Play ayo. (Lets play)

Me: Ok. (so I sat beside him)

LF: Mommy babu ery much (love you very much)

Me: Love you too babey.

Saying I love you definitely didn’t hurt. In fact it has healed me. It has erradicated all the stress in my system – including the mucscle pains!

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