Sunday, June 21, 2009

Better Father

I am well known for wearing my heart on my sleeve. Oh yes! That's true and I will never regret each day that I do. Since today is father's day allow me to be me after all I will be talking about my great loves - the men in my life.

My Tatay

I should have known better. I should have believed that father knows best. There were a lot of times in the past that I have not heeded to his advises and believed that I knew better. It was only these recent years that I said to myself " I should have listened to Tatay" . Saying that does not mean that I regret the decisions that I've made on my own. Saying those words was confirming that he only wanted the best for me and that he believed in me. Its my way of saying that "Yes Tatay you were right. Things could have been better if I listened"

He never reprimanded me for the wrong decisions. He never tried to control me. He was just trying to be a better father.

My Husband

He is trying hard to become a better father. Although to me he is a perfect dad already. But I guess its up to our children to say what kind of father he is.

And you know what he is 80% like my father. Just the way I wanted. Just the one I prayed for.

To my Tatay and Hubby, Happy Father's Day!

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