Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy 10

Back in college I would often sit by the "batibot" (UP Cebu's famous tambayan by the tree) and spend my time counting beetles. I'm referring to the vintage car, "bao" or "pagong" as we call it in our local dialect/slang. It's actually a game. They say after counting/seeing 50 red beetles you will meet the man you will end up with but he must be able to comply with the condition that was set. Mine was 50 red beetles and a guy who will give me a white rose. So teeny bopper, I know!
Hundreds of red beetles has passed, I even shifted to different colors - from red to yellow then green; but the man with the white rose never came. It was just a game after all - I consoled myself.
It has been more than a decade since and I never met him - the one with the white rose. But instead I met a guy who stole a bunch of white roses from his aunt's party and gave it to me as a present. Sooo unromantic?!? Funny but that guy has held my hands for the last 10 years, cried with me, cried for me, laughed with me and even laughed at me. He's crazy like that but he has painted my world with different colors and it made me feel that I am Rainbow Brite.
No he never brought me that white rose but he gave what I really needed. He gave me the love that was right for me. A love that made me blossomed into the person I am now.


konsuy said...

congratulations on your 10th. he is lucky to have found you too, vem. here's to many more years. basin na ihap pud to nimo among beetle. we had a light brown one. =) hehehe

VEMBINA said...

hahaha basin jud chi. haha i lost count of the times i changed colors. thanks chi! =)