Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Growing Up Too Fast

Two weeks from now my little boy will start schooling already. I think he is ready for school but I am not. Not really about school but I guess I'm not yet ready to let go. He has grown up so fast and I can do nothing about it but watch.

At 3 and a half he knows what he wants to wear, where he wants to go, he even asks me if he can watch a certain movie. He understands why we have to wake him up early so that we can take him to Mamu before we leave for work. He knows that we have to leave him every morning because we need to work so we can buy him his toy cars (atleast that much he understands). Last night Hubby asked him to massage his back, he did what he was asked to do but he also told his dad to stop working so he won't get back pains. hehehe Smart kid.

Sometimes he wants to be treated like a baby but most of the time he tells me "Big boy na ako mommy di ba? I am proudest when I hear those words but at the same time in my heart, in a little corner of my heart (if there is a corner) I also feel a different kind of sadness.

I think I have to start letting go now.

1 comment:

konsuy said...

congrats to lance for starting school. maybe it is about time you get him a baby brother/sister. =) so you dote on a new baby.