Friday, March 27, 2009

Something Nice

Here's something nice that I would like to share, got this from a friend's email.

How To Be Wild at Heart

1. Know who you are by forgiving who you're not. - this is quite difficult for me as of the moment, but I am trying

2. Accept and move on but never give up. - always believed in this

3. Treasure your dreams. - let me add, and make it happen

4. Never be dissatisfied with what you have. - I did something healthy few days ago, I made categories of the things that I own (i.e. bags, shoes, etc.) and listed down each item that I have in every category and I found out I have more than enough and I realized I should be thankful. I feel blessed.

5. Heed warnings from those you respect. - specially your parents'

6. Get out, clear your heart, let go. - I should try to do this more often.

7. Know the difference between anger and wild. - =P

8. Figure out who you are apart from everyone.

9. Contribute to others well being.

It's weekend once again and I'm happy to spend time with my family. It's just me - always a sucker for bonding time.


Anonymous said...

Nice one Bem. I'll keep these in mind too. Tough times in the office right now. GUess, the best way to make things lighter is to be appreciative on what little we've got. :)

VEMBINA said...

true. =) just count your blessings and forget about your worries. miss you bujoy!