Weddings make me cry and anniversaries makes me cry harder.
Today is the 30th wedding anniversary of my parents which reminds me in 5 months time I will be turning 30. When I was younger, with the less mathematical side of my brain, I counted backwards to check how many months pregnant my mother was when she got married. She was 4 months pregnant when she married my Tatay. I would not write about the story behind that though, after all it doesn't matter much.
March 31 is a reminder that I was already 4 months in my Nanay's womb when she got married. But most importantly it reminded me of their love for each other. I have always felt blessed that after all these years they are still together - getting stronger. I would want to see myself with Hubby still 30 years from now.
Thank you Nanay and Tatay for showing me what unconditional love is all about. I may have learned a lot from school (thanks to them also for sending me to the best schools) but I want you to know that you were my teachers. You showed me what love really is.